

Designed by: MIT iGEM 2006   Group: iGEM06_MIT   (2006-10-30)

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Applications of BBa_J45999

Odor-free chassis for odor biosynthetic devices and systems.

User Reviews



SDU-Denmark 2014

IMS spectrum of wild type E. coli K12 MG1655, odor-free YYC912, and air at RT=3.

The indole in E. coli has earlier been found at K0-1=0.556 s V cm-2. [1] In the figure the spectra is shown for wild type (WT), odor-free (OF) and air. As can be seen from the spectra there is a peak for wild type at 0.556 that is more intense than the two others. This indicates the indole produced by wild type E. coli. The spectra for the odor-free strain can be seen to follow the spectra for air. This shows that indole is not produced by the odor-free strain.

[1]. Ochoa, M. L., et. al.: Characterization and Differentiation of Bacteria Using In Situ Derivatization Ion Mobility Spectrometry of Whole Cells and Chemometric Modeling, Ohio University, 2004, p. 25. http://www.medatsoft.de/isims/pdf/7/1/Mariela_Ochoa_IJIMS_7_2004_1.pdf



Reshma Shetty

The odor-free chassis (BBa_J45999) has no smell and produces no detectable levels of indole.



Gas chromatography analysis of odor-free chassis

Odor-free chassis does not produce the fecal odor indole
To verify our selection of E. coli strain YYC912 as an odor-free chassis, we analyzed cultures of each strain for indole production using gas chromatography. E. coli strain YYC912 had no detectable indole (A) whereas E. coli strain TOP10 had high levels of indole (B). The retention time of the indole peak from E. coli strain TOP10 is identical to that of the pure indole standard (C).